Thursday, June 25

Summer Time Ventures


It is Summer again and a pretty time to venture out.

So here I am forgathering all the knowledge and information of places we could visit around.

Greenery allures me and my partner alike. So we enjoy being in the company of woods and wilds.

More than anything, Nature provides the ultimate shelter and recreation to the mind and body; Solitude to one's soul.
Nature has always been a best Retreat mode for many.

When quickly researched (thanks to Google and Wikipedia) I learnt that there are 58 National Parks in USA, 278 State Park units (Regional Parks) in the State of California.

Apart from these there are umpteen number of trails, open spaces, wilderness where one can hike and camp. My counting would be lost if I started any.

Within just
50 miles (50mph/50 mi is equal to 80.4672 kms) of our home city, I found 400 something places to visit.
I was stuck with astonishment and was perplexed at the same time !

Such a surreal feeling !

Like Knowledge, one would never boast of knowing everything, one would never accomplish seeing all the beauties and wonders Nature has bestowed upon humankind.

Last year when I landed here in April, it was almost like the start of Summer. This year we had to wait till the mid-June to flag off the real Summer season.

I guess many have their list ready for the season.

We are ready with ours too.

One can find many books, travel guides providing the info and map details to the points of interest. And there are numerous websites and web blogs to refer from.

Hiking and Trails :>

Bay Area Hiker
: this is the one-stop-link for hiking and trails

Trail Center
: this gives the list and links to various websites and blogs related to hiking and trails

Cyber Hikes

Transit and Trails


Two Heel drive

California Travels

Hiking in Heels

Parks :>

US National Park Service

California State Parks

Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

East Bay Regional Parks

: > Happy Summer Time < :
